Celonis Named to Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s SDCE 100 Top Supply Chain Projects for 2017

New York, NY— June 22, 2017 – Celonis today announced that it has been selected as a recipient of Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s SDCE 100 Award for 2017 for its work with global telecommunications company, Vodafone. With Celonis Process Mining, Vodafone was able to fully understand its end-to-end processes and achieve 100 percent transparency into business operations, creating a significant cost reduction and improved time to market.

Vodafone’s challenge was to transform its massive purchasing operations and adapt back-end processes to match changing business demands. With the goal of increasing the number of “perfect purchase orders” and achieving business excellence, Vodafone used Celonis Process Mining to explore massive amounts of data to reconstruct what actually happens in business processes, spot inefficiencies and suggest improvements automatically.

“Many organizations operate in the dark when it comes to business process efficiency because they have no way to see if they’re wasting time, energy and resources with poorly executed processes, or if processes are actually running as designed,” said Alexander Rinke, co-CEO and co-founder of Celonis. “Process Mining provides the visibility companies need and our work with Vodafone shows how it can help an organization truly understand their supply chain so decision makers can pinpoint inefficiencies and fine-tune operations. We’re extremely proud that we’ve been able to help Vodafone build on its world-class supply chain operation and that the exceptional work they’ve done is being recognized by a leading industry voice like Supply & Demand Chain Executive.”

The SDCE 100 is an annual list of 100 great supply chain projects. The projects honored can serve as a map for supply chain executives who are looking for new opportunities to drive improvement in their own operations. The projects show how supply chain solutions and service providers help their customers and clients achieve supply chain excellence and prepare their supply chains for success.

“Our goal with 2017’s Top 100 is to shine the spotlight on successful and innovative transformation projects that deliver bottom-line value to small, medium and large enterprises across the supply chain,” says Ronnie Garrett, editor of Supply & Demand Chain Executive. “The selected projects can serve as a roadmap for supply chain executives looking for new opportunities to drive improvement in their own operations. We congratulate all of our winners for a job well done!”

About Celonis

Celonis is the big data analytics company for business leaders who won’t settle for the status quo. Its enterprise-proven process mining software applies machine learning across all company data to provide full, unbiased visibility into all IT-supported business processes, uncover hidden problems, and give prescriptive recommendations on how to resolve them quickly. Enterprises of all sizes – including companies such as  GM, GE, Siemens, Bayer, and Vodafone – trust Celonis to act as an automated advisor and provide transparency into their operations. Backed by leading investors including Accel Partners and 83North (formerly Greylock IL), Celonis is based in Munich, Germany with its U.S. Headquarters in New York City. For more information, visit www.celonis.com or follow @Celonis.

About Supply & Demand Chain Executive

Supply & Demand Chain Executive is the executive’s user manual for successful supply and demand chain transformation, utilizing hard-hitting analysis, viewpoints and unbiased case studies to steer executives and supply management professionals through the complicated, yet critical, world of supply and demand chain enablement to gain competitive advantage. Visit us on the web at www.SDCExec.com.

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