Celonis Circles

Celonis focuses in on procurement, mobility and offices to reach Net Zero sustainability goals

Process mining and execution management vendor Celonis has released its Sustainability Report for the full year 2022, which details its plans to achieve Net Zero, to help limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, as called for in the Paris Agreement. 

As we know, companies are under pressure to be more transparent about their carbon emissions, which is forcing a focus on not only operations that are under their control, but also to look at the impact of their extended value chain. Accurate granular data is key, as are new systems and processes that prioritize reducing carbon impact. 

None of this is easy and given the competing economic pressures currently gripping organizations, there may be a temptation to let environmental priorities slip. Key to ensuring this doesn’t happen is consistently publishing transparent goals that can be measured, as well as making ‘climate’ a board-level agenda.  For the full article, visit diginomica.

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