Celonis Akademie

Wir sind für Sie da

Preisgekrönte Online-Inhalte. Erstklassige trainergeführte Schulungen. Ziel- und rollenbasierte Training Tracks mit praktischen Lerninhalten. 

Neugierig? Werden Sie noch heute Celonis-Profi.

New Academy Thumbnail

Celonis Academy in Zahlen


Lernen Sie Process Mining und die Möglichkeiten von Celonis in unseren interaktiven Kursen kennen. Es gibt viel zu entdecken.


Lernen Sie Process Mining und die Möglichkeiten von Celonis in unseren interaktiven Kursen kennen. Es gibt viel zu entdecken.


Besuchen Sie unsere trainergeführten Schulungen auf Englisch, Deutsch, Japanisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch oder Chinesisch.

fach ausgezeichnet

Erleben Sie die preisgekrönten Kund:innen- und Partnerprogramme von Celonis und navigieren Sie online durch die Academy. Sehen Sie sich unsere Auszeichnungen an.

Digital Badges ausgestellt

Verdienen Sie sich Celonis Digital Badges für das Erreichen von Lernmeilensteinen und das Bestehen strenger Certification Exams, und präsentieren Sie Ihre Badges dort, wo es darauf ankommt.


Process Mining enthusiasts from over 200 countries are suiting up with us. Add yours to the list!

Online Training Tracks

Sehen Sie sich die passenden Training Tracks an, indem Sie nach Ihrem Profil oder Ihrer Rolle filtern. Wenn Sie ein Kurs interessiert, klicken Sie einfach auf “Jetzt starten” (Start now), um mit dem Lernen loszulegen.

Celonis Exams

WEB - partner certifications (2)

Celonis Qualifications

Validate and prove your knowledge by completing Qualification Exams that correspond to the goal-based training tracks you have completed. Grow professionally by showing your commitment to gaining and maintaining skills that are in high demand in the process mining and process intelligence space.

WEB - partner certifications (2)

Celonis Certifications

Got experience using Celonis on the job? Prove your Celonis expertise by taking a Certification Exam developed for and by Celonis practitioners. Once certified you can show off your accomplishment with an exclusive Celonis Certification Digital Badge. See which Certification Exams you’d want to take to prove your expertise.

Celonis Digital Badges

Ein Celonis Digital Badge ist eine visuelle Darstellung einer Leistung ­- etwa des Erreichens eines Lernmeilensteins oder des Bestehens eines strengen Certification Exams. Unser Badging-Partner Credly macht es Ihnen leicht, Ihre Celonis Digital Badges zu verwalten und zu teilen.

Lesen Sie unseren Blog-Artikel und erfahren Sie, warum Celonis Digital Badges zu den angesagtesten Nachweisen für Process-Mining-Profis gehören.

Review and Interpret Analyses

Instructor-Led Trainings, let expert trainers guide you

Technical Training

Instructor-Led Technical Training is ideal for quickly enabling users to access the system and start working with Celonis. This can be done in an in-person, virtual, or hybrid setting and our offerings include our full product-suite. You can choose for the training to be held on your own platform data or using our training data that revolves around processes like Order Management, Procurement, or Accounts Payable. We are also happy to discuss any individual requests to best cater for your customized needs.

Duration: hours to multi-day

Languages we cover: English, German, Spanish, French, Hindi, Japanese

Classroom Training

Celonis Academy offers Classroom Sessions to our customers, partners and those looking to level up their Celonis skills. These include courses such as Interpreting or Building Analyses & Learning to Write PQL Queries, Building Knowledge Models and Views and Action Flows, as well as Getting Data into Celonis. Onsite in selected Celonis Offices or virtual from around the world, this format provides the opportunity to connect with peers while mastering our full product suite through immersive and interactive sessions.

Hours: 1-5 days

Audience: Partners/Customers/Public


In the Celonis MasterClass, our trainers will guide our certified partners through a rigorous course that will allow them to master Celonis & bring even more value to their customers. This format is an advanced hybrid training complementing the Partner Enablement Program. It includes one week of: Live Sessions, Coaching, Work on a Case Study & access a customized online course in the Celonis Academy. Available streams are pre- and post-sales.

Streams: Pre and Post Sales

Audience: Certified Celonis Partners

Duration: 5 half-days


Want to take the next step by enabling dedicated trainer resources inside your organization? With our Train-the-Trainer program we provide our customers the capability to scale Celonis within their organization internally, usually within the CoE, by sharing insights into training methodology and best practices for business user training. 

Duration: 1 to 3 days

Celonis Bootcamp

Want to boost your Celonis skills for your group of Celonis power users? Then this training format is for you. Think of it as being a Classroom Training dedicated just for you and your teammates. We will cover the full product suite but ensure it’s a customized and tailored experience for you by also getting support of your Celonis account team who have readily built up domain knowledge across your inhouse processes. Get specific industry insights and help shape this full onsite (or virtual) week of face-to-face training together with us.

Private training

Individual Date (live), at your location or remote. Duration: 5 days

Technical Training

Instructor-Led Technical Training is ideal for quickly enabling users to access the system and start working with Celonis. This can be done in an in-person, virtual, or hybrid setting and our offerings include our full product-suite. You can choose for the training to be held on your own platform data or using our training data that revolves around processes like Order Management, Procurement, or Accounts Payable. We are also happy to discuss any individual requests to best cater for your customized needs.

Duration: hours to multi-day

Languages we cover: English, German, Spanish, French, Hindi, Japanese

Rising Stars Program

Are you a student that wants to pursue a career in Process Mining? Celonis Academy offers you a unique learning experience to achieve that mission.

rising starts program

Academy Assets

WEB - Customer Collateral card

Customer Collateral

WEB - Partner Collateral card

Partner Collateral

WEB - Academics Collateral card

Academics Collateral

WEB - How to register card (2)

How to Register video

WEB - Credly Profile card

Celonis Credly Profile

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