Meet the EMS

Celonis Platform

One platform.
Unlimited Process Intelligence.

1,400+ companies use Celonis to understand their processes, find  improvement opportunities, and turn Process Intelligence into business value.

Unlock your business’s full potential with Celonis Process Intelligence

Meet Process Intelligence: the connective tissue of your enterprise, uncovered by Celonis’ industry-leading process mining technology.

Process Intelligence connects you to your processes, your teams to each other, and emerging technologies to your business.  

Using the power of the Celonis Process Intelligence Graph, you can analyze, improve, and monitor your processes — helping you to understand exactly where value is hiding in your business, and exactly how you can capture it.

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Standardize your process data, then add our process knowledge + AI

To make your Process Intelligence Graph, Celonis rapidly integrates terabytes of data from any data source and format to capture real-time process performance. 

We transform that raw information into system-agnostic standardized process data and layer in our standardized process knowledge and AI, built on 10+ years of process mining implementations.

With the combination of your data, our process knowledge, and our AI, your unique Process Intelligence Graph connects every part of your business to create a holistic, contextualized foundation for the Celonis platform’s capabilities — helping you uncover more opportunities and make more informed, strategic choices.

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Get a good look under the (process) hood

Your Process Intelligence Graph enables a full suite of process analysis capabilities. See what’s really going on with your processes, from a bird’s-eye view all the way down to the atomic level. 

Visualize processes end-to-end, find value opportunities, and prioritize improvements that drive bottom-line value with the Process Explorer.

Build bespoke views with custom dashboards in Celonis Studio.

No technical training? No problem. Discover process insights with guided explorations and conversational AI: our Business Miner and AI Copilot, respectively.

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Process Intelligence Graph

Turn process opportunities into business value

Drive process improvement with a collection of capabilities built to get your business working better and making more money, fast. 

Our prebuilt apps are made to work quickly and simply within common processes specific to your industry or use case.

Use Action Flows to set up alerts for anything happening in your processes you’d like to stay in-the-know about, or to automate common process tasks — all without disrupting or replacing any existing systems. 

Need to redesign a process entirely? Use the Process Designer to model your entire process landscape, and Process Navigator totrain your team in their new processes.

Process Intelligence Graph
Process Monitoring

Keep an ongoing eye on your processes — and your progress

Protect your process analysis and process improvement work and see exactly how big the business impact has been with process monitoring capabilities.  

After you’ve identified your ideal process paths, keep them on the straight and narrow with the Process Adherence Manager, a model-based adherence checker. 

Put the value you’re creating with process mining into reporting terms the whole team can understand in the Transformation Hub, where you can see updated views of the value generated by your Process Intelligence implementations.

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Process Intelligence Graph
Process Monitoring

Mine processes, unearth value

Companies like yours have generated more than $1.2 billion dollars in their processes using Celonis.

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12 Mio. USD
Gespart im Kundendienst
1,3 Mrd. USD
Einmalig realisierter freier Cashflow
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optimierte Liefertreue
PepsiCo Story Background

Wie PepsiCo Millionen an Betriebskapital freisetzt

“Celonis ist der Flaschengeist, auf den wir alle gewartet haben, um unsere Wünsche wahr werden zu lassen.”

Related Resources

Process Intelligence Graph Header Image

Process Intelligence Graph

Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie die Celonis-Plattform Ihre Prozessdaten in Echtzeit integriert, standardisiert und verwaltet.

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Process Analysis

See how you can learn about how your processes run using the Celonis analysis capabilities.

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Erfahren Sie, wie die Verbesserungskapazitäten von Celonis es Ihnen ermöglichen, auf der Grundlage von Erkenntnissen aus Ihren Daten zu automatisieren.

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