Leverage our global partner network to support your business execution

Use the tool below to browse members of our Partner Ecosystem, which is made up of business and technology experts across all industries and spans the entire globe.

We’re focused on delivering the world’s most powerful Process Mining technology, and our partners offer best-in-class professional services and software solutions to help you to tap the full potential of Celonis.


“Customers can now automatically visualize and screen their processes for areas with the highest automation potential, and as a result, build, test, and deploy RPA in a smarter way. The powerful combination of these two category-leading companies is a game changer.”

Peter Meechan
Chief Corporate Development Officer
Automation Anywhere

“Celonis schafft schnell und nachhaltig Transparenz in Unternehmen. Das Deloitte Center of Process Bionics kombiniert erfolgreich diese einzigartige Technologie mit Prozess- und Industrie-Expertise, um komplexe unternehmerische Herausforderungen zu lösen.”

Oliver Salzmann
Lead Partner
Deloitte Germany

“Celonis enables Business Transformation as you can not only visualize and understand the processes much faster as it was possible before. Now we can focus on identifying the most severe problems and process inefficiencies at our customers, and further on developing outstanding use cases.”

Mark Zimmermann
Managing Director

“KPMG is proud to be in partnership with Celonis to enable the digitization of our services with the latest Celonis products.”

Maurice op het Veld
Head of Data Driven Technologies
KPMG Netherlands

“When our customers are looking for an edge to realise efficiencies in their business processes but do not have the facts to confirm what they think they know, Celonis gives them the answers they need to act and innovate.”

Sebastian Moore
Plaut IT Australia

“Celonis helps you gain a very clear picture to see and understand your processes in a fast, transparent way never possible before. It empowers you to drive efficiency and reduce operational costs. And with QSC´s end-to-end services and consulting, we enable your business to enter the digital age.”

Heinrich Abdon Borgers
Leiter SAP Business Intelligence West

“We discovered process mining technology and chose Celonis as a world-class solution. The functionality and scalability of Celonis allows us to realize continuous process improvement. Celonis enables revolutionary changes in the approach to business process improvement both for our clients and us.”

Nikolai Sitnikov
Innovations Initiator

“Für unsere Kunden ist Celonis das lang vermisste Puzzle-Teil bei der Analyse ihrer Prozesse. Es bringt Licht ins Dunkle und bietet einzigartige Einblicke in die tatsächlichen Abläufe. Es ermöglicht unseren Kunden eine ‘360° Prozessverbesserung‘.”

Fabio Bombana
SDG Group
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