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Celonis Day and City Collaborative 2024: Bringing Process Intelligence to a city near you

Processes run our world. But too often, they don’t work or they don’t work as well as they could. That’s when the changemakers stand up and step in. These people refuse to accept that processes have to always run the same way. They know that processes can work smarter, work better - for people, companies, and the planet.

In 2024, Celonis is bringing this community of changemakers together for our biggest event series ever — Celonis City Collaborative. From April to September, we’re touring 23 cities across 4 continents to showcase the power of Process Intelligence. New York, Munich, Paris, Bangalore,... Wherever we go, we’ll take over the city for several months, holding a series of domain and industry-focused events — whether it’s a CoE Roundtable, a CFO summit, a “Future of Supply Chain” Day, an IT Leadership Forum, or a signature Celonis Day.

Reasons to attend: Celonis Day or City Collaborative event

Meet people like you: Connect with thought leaders from your home turf. Feel the pulse of your industry. Share best practices  on how to find hidden value in your processes — all on your home turf.

Make AI work for your business: See how Celonis Process Intelligence can help you realize more value, enable new technologies like AI, and optimize not just processes, but entire value chains.

Push your performance: Hear how industry leaders use Celonis to capture millions in value, keep inflation at bay, navigate supply chain volatility, and delight their customers.

How is City Collaborative different from Celonis World Tour?

In previous years, Celonis World Tour was our global roadshow. This year, we're turning the dial to 11 — going to more cities, staying longer and tailoring the experience to each region.

More stops than ever: We’re coming to 23 cities across 4 continents to bring the power of process intelligence to you.

Not just a day. We’re here to stay: Taking over each city for several months, we’re holding events that fit right in your schedule – whether it’s a CoE Roundtable, a “Future of Supply Chain” Day, or an IT Leadership Forum.

Topics close to your heart: We’re making it cozier this year. Join a selected circle of changemakers to discuss challenges and best practices relevant to your industry and region.

Find a Celonis Day or City Collaborative event near you

Celonis Days and City Collaborative events are designed to bring the process community closer than ever. These local in-person events are the perfect place for attendees to create connections within the process mining community, meet local experts, pioneers, users, and enthusiasts, and explore how process mining is shaping businesses in a city near you.

Here’s a complete list of Celonis Day cities:

Each of the Celonis Day pages linked to above contains an agenda, speaker list, and registration form. Attendance is free, but spots are limited. Additionallinks will be added as city pages become available, so check back regularly.

See all City Collab events
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Bill Detwiler
Senior Communications Strategist and Editor Celonis Blog

Bill Detwiler is Senior Communications Strategist and Editor of the Celonis blog. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic, where he hosted the Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET’s popular online show. Bill is an award-winning journalist, who’s covered the tech industry for more than two decades. Prior to his career in the software industry and tech media, he was an IT professional in the social research and energy industries.

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